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Cardiff Council

Draft Strategic Equality Plan 2024 to 2028 consultation

View the draft Strategic Equality Plan 2024 to 2028 survey​.



We are committed to equality, diversity and inclusion. This means tackling inequality in all its forms and making sure everyone in Cardiff:

  • can access opportunities, 
  • feels valued, and 
  • is valued.

When we make decisions and deliver services, we must aim to: ​

  • remove unlawful discrimination, harassment and victimisation, and other conduct that is banned by the Equality Act.
  • improve equality of opportunity between people who share a relevant protected characteristic and those who do not.
  • develop good relations between people who share a protected characteristic and those who do not.

A protected characteristic describes a part of a person’s identity which makes them who they are. Everyone has the right to be treated equally and fairly. They should not be treated less favourably or discriminated against because of their characteristic. 

The 9 protected characteristics are: 

  • age,
  • disability,
  • gender reassignment, 
  • marriage and civil partnership,
  • pregnancy and maternity, 
  • race, 
  • religion or belief (including no religion or belief),
  • sex, and
  • sexual orientation.

We look to treat people fairly and equally by making sure that we listen to the opinions of a wide range of people. 

We need to know when an issue is impacting a certain group more than others. This is why we ask about protected characteristics in all our engagement and consultations. 

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​We developed the plan and identified any issues which lead to inequality in the city by reviewing evidence and previous research, such as: 

  • the annual Ask Cardiff surveys, and 

  • the Census. 

We also carried out extensive stakeholder engagement. You can read about our findings in the Equality Needs Assessment 2023 summary (3.1mb PDF)​.  

Why we are consulting 

This is a draft plan which means this is not the final version. We want you to help us shape our Strategic Equality Plan which sets out our aims for the next 4 years. 

The plan is structured around 5 draft equality objectives. They define our ambition for the city and how we want to deliver fairer outcomes for all our residents. We use performance indicators to help measure our progress.

Our proposed equality objectives are:

A fairer Cardiff

We will reduce inequality and support everyone in Cardiff to fulfil their potential.

An accessible Cardiff

We will work to make sure everyone can take part in all Cardiff has to offer, regardless of background or circumstances.

An inclusive Cardiff

We will make Cardiff a city where differences are understood and celebrated, and where all communities feel they belong. 

A council that reflects its communities

We will make Cardiff Council a more inclusive organisation: 

  • which reflects the diversity of the people we serve, and 
  • where employees are confident to be themselves and are empowered to progress. 

Equality, diversity, and inclusion at the heart of the organisation

We will make sure our core processes support equality, diversity, and inclusion.​

Have your say

We would like to hear your views about our draft equality objectives for 2024 to 2028.
We want to know what issues matter to you, and what you think we should focus on over the next 4 years to address inequality in the city. 

We also want to hear your suggestions for how to improve equality, diversity, and inclusion in your area or across the whole city. 

The consultation will open on 3 June and close on 14 July. 

Complete our survey​

Once the consultation has closed, we will use the findings to review the draft Strategic Equality Plan to make sure that we have identified the right issues. We will also review the draft equality objectives to make sure they capture what matters to you. 

The final Strategic Equality Plan will go to the Cabinet for approval in September 2024. The meeting is open to the public and will be webcast if you would like to watch the meeting live or after the event online. Visit our webcasting website​. You can also watch recordings of other meetings on the website. ​

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