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Cardiff Council

Ceasing an individual development plan

​​​When an individual development plan (IDP) is reviewed, it must be decided if a learner still had additional learning needs that need additional learning provision. ​

If everyone involved in the review agrees that a learner’s needs can now be met by the school’s universal provision, a decision could be made to cease (end) their IDP. 

We understand that the learner or their parent or carer may have concerns about the IDP ending. You should be reassured and given information about ongoing support to meet the learner’s needs. For example, differentiates teaching or supportive strategies. 

If a maintained school believes the learner no longer has ALN that needs additional learning provision, the school must notify the parent or carer of the decision and the reasons for it. This should be through a discussion at a person-centred meeting and in writing. The written notification will outline your right to ask us to reconsider the decision. Before asking us to reconsider the decision, we would always encourage you and the school to meet again to try and resolve any disagreement.​

Reasons for ceasing an IDP

Reasons for ceasing the IDP include: 

  • The school decides that the child or young person no longer has ALN and that decision is not successfully challenged.
  • The learner is a young person who no longer gives consent to the IDP being maintained. 
  • The child or young person stops being a registered learner at the school. 
  • The child or young person becomes dual registered and a council is responsible for the learner.
  • The learner is looked after by a council in Wales.
  • A council in England starts to maintain an Education Health Care Plan (EHCP).
  • The learner becomes detained.

When should an IDP not be ceased

An IDP should not be ceased:

  • before the end of the 4 week period when parents can ask us to reconsider, or
  • if we have reconsidered the matter and decided the plan should not cease.

If you disagree with a decision

If a school has decided the learner no longer has ALN and the learner or their parent or carer are unhappy with the decision, we would encourage the learner, parent, or carer to try and resolve the issue with the school. You should contact the ALNCo or follow our advice for resolving disagreements​.

You have 4 weeks to ask us to reconsider the school’s decision. Before we make a decision, we must let the school know you have asked us to reconsider and invite representations from the school. The 4 weeks start on the date the learner and their parent or carer are given the written notification.  

What happens next

We have 7 weeks to consider your request and make a decision. We will gather the views of the learner and the parent or carer, and ask for any relevant documentation. We may also contact the school, health professionals, and children services. 

We will contact you directly when a decision is made and this will be confirmed in writing at the end of the period. 

If you are still unhappy with the decision, you can appeal to the Education Tribunal for Wales. You have to submit the appeal within 8 weeks of our decision. Find out more about submitting an appeal with the Education Tribunal for Wales​


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