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Cardiff Council

Disagreement resolution, advocacy and tribunal

​A child, parent, carer, or young person can ask us to reconsider a decision made by a school about additional learning needs (ALN). 

In the first instance, you must speak to the schools Additional Learning Needs Coordinator (ALNCo) or class teacher. 

ALN decision

If you cannot resolve the issue with the school, you can ask us to reconsider the decision. We will ask the school for representations before we make a decision. 

We will not decide if a child or young person has ALN if: 

  • we have previously reconsidered the decision and we are satisfied that the child or young person’s needs have not changed or there is no new information that affects the decision.
  • the child or young person is now looked after by a council.
  • the child or young person has a detention order. 

Details of the individual development plan

If you cannot resolve the issue with the school, you can ask us to reconsider the individual development plan (IDP) and revise it. 

We will not reconsider or revise an IDP if: 

  • we have previously reconsidered the IDP, and we are satisfied that the child or young person’s needs have not changed or there is no new information that affects the decision. 
  • the child or young person is now looked after by a council.
  • the child or young person has a detention order. 

What happens if we do not reconsider or revise the IDP

We will contact the child or young person and their parent or carer and give our reasons for not reconsidering it. We will also give a copy of the notification to the school. 

Naming a provision

In most cases, children and young people with ALN can get the support they need in mainstream schools, and we will not need to name an alternative provision in the IDP. 

When we are deciding if we should name a provision to secure a place, we must consider if:

  • the school has specific characteristics which make it suitable for the child’s additional leaning provision. For example, the school’s buildings and accessibility. 
  • the school has members of staff with specialist expertise or training in a low incidence need. For example, a hearing or visual impairment. 
  • it would be unreasonable for a mainstream school to provide the additional learning need provision. 

We would also consider any other factors that may be relevant to your child’s case. 

What happens next

You must send us your request in writing to

We have 7 weeks to consider the request and make a decision. 

We will get you and your child’s views (including any relevant documentation). We may also get further information from the school, health professionals, and children services. 

We will contact you to tell you the outcome and will confirm this in writing at the end of the 7 weeks. 

If you are still unhappy with the outcome, you can appeal to the Education Tribunal for Wales. You have to appeal within 8 weeks. You can find out more about the appeal process

SNAP Cymru provide independent advice to families with children who have ALN. They can provide: 

  • impartial information, 
  • advice and support, 
  • disagreement resolution and mediation, 
  • advocacy, 
  • discrimination advice, and
  • training for carers and professionals. 

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