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Cardiff Council

Process in schools for ALN

​A person with ALN has a learning difficulty or disability which means they need additional learning provision (ALP). 

Lead person

If your child has ALN, you will be given the name and contact details of the lead person. This is the person who will support you and your child through the whole ALN process. 

Person centred meetings

You and your child will be invited to a person-centred meeting​ at the sch​ool. Others who know or are involved with your child will be invited to attend and contribute their views. such as: 

  • teachers, 
  • specialist teachers, 
  • social workers, and
  • health professionals. 

You will discuss your child’s ALN with the other attendees and decide if they need additional learning provision. 

Individual development plan (IDP)

Based on the information shared in the person-centred meeting, an individual development plan (IDP) will be created. An IDP is usually created and reviewed by the school. 

The IDP will include: 

  • your child’s details (such as name, age, address),
  • a profile which highlights what is important to your child and how the school can support them and meet their needs, 
  • a description of your child’s ALN, 
  • a description of what the school will provide that is different to what is currently available (this is additional learning provision), 
  • a record of information, 
  • a timeline of key events, and
  • transition and transport arrangements. 

Reviewing the IDP

Once the IDP is created, it has to be reviewed within 1 year. If there has been a significant change in your child’s circumstances, it can be reviewed earlier. 

The review meeting will be similar to the person-centred meeting. 

If you disagree with the IDP

If you have any concerns about the IDP, please take to the school’s lead person. If you cannot resolve your concerns, we can help. Please contact us. 

If the disagreement is about an NHS assessment, treatment or service, you should speak to your healthcare provider. If you cannot resolve your concerns, please contact NHS Wales.  


If you need more help and support, you can use an advocate. An advocate is someone who will go with you to meetings and speak on your behalf. They can be: 

  • a friend, 
  • a family member, or
  • from a professional agency.

If you need a professional advocate, please contact SNAP Cymru​

Tel: 0808 801 0608

Contact us

If you have any questions about additional learning needs or individual development plans, please contact us. 

Tel: 029 2087 2731


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