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Cardiff Council

Individual development plans

An individual development plan is an agreed plan of who will support the learner, what will happen to support them, and how they will be supported. 

An IDP is created through collaboration with the learner, their parent or carer, and other agencies that may be involved. For example, health and social care professionals. 

The plan will be reviewed every year. 

What is in the IDP

The learner’s IDP will include: 

  • Name 
  • Age 
  • How they like to be known 
  • Gender and pronouns 
  • Address 
  • Name of the school 
  • How they best communicate 
  • Who looks after their IDP 
  • One Page Profile 
  • A description of their additional learning needs (ALN)
  • What provision is going to be put in place to support them in school and who is going to do it 
  • Key events in their life 
  • Record of information 
  • Transition arrangements 
  • Transport arrangements

Who writes the IDP

The IDP is usually written by the schools with the learner, their family, and other people that know them. 

Sometimes we will write the plan. 

How long it will take

If the school writes the IDP, it can take 7 school weeks. If we write the IDP, it can take 12 weeks. 

Changes to the plan

The plan will be reviewed every year. If something has significantly changed in the learners life, the plan can be reviewed sooner. 

During the review, the plan will be checked to make sure it is still working and if changes are needed. 

If you disagree with the plan

You can speak to the designated coordinator or class teacher in the school. 

The designated coordinator is an adult in school who knows the learner well and will help to answer any questions you have about ALN and IDPs. 

If you still have questions after speaking with the school, you can contact us. 

Tel: 029 2087 2731

Help available

If you or the learner need help through the process, you may want to get a case friend. A case friend can be a close friend, family member, social worker, or teacher. 

A case friend is different from an independent advocate, as a case friend can exercise the rights of the learner on their behalf. An independent advocate offers advice, assistance, and representation. 

Learners and parents or carers have the right to appeal decisions made by us. ​


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