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Cardiff Council

How to appeal before a Notice to Owner

​​An appeal at this stage is also called an informal challenge. We will consider any informal challenge against a parking fine within 28 days from the date of the contravention. If we receive an informal challenge after 28 days, we may not consider it. 

Please do not pay if you want to challenge the PCN. We consider payment an admittance of liability and if you pay, we may not consider your challenge. The fine will not go up while we review your challenge.

Once we have received your challenge, we will put the case on hold whilst a case officer considers it. We will send you a decision following this. 

You can challenge a PCN online​

We cannot resolve challenges over the phone or in person.​

​​Any information provided will be processed in accordance with the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR). The authority or other relevant bodies may use any information you provide for enforcement purposes, fraud detection or for any other related purposes as permitted by law.​

If we reject your informal challenge and you still want to formally appeal

The next step is to wait for a Notice to Owner (NtO). As the registered owner or hirer of the vehicle, this legal document will allow you to make a formal appeal (representations). 

If you choose to wait for an NtO, you will no longer be able to pay the fine at the 14-day reduced rate.  ​

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