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Cardiff Council

Education and school costs

Get financial support if you have children at school.

School Essentials Grant

If you receive certain benefits, you could get help towards the cost of uniform and school supplies for your child. 

You will be entitled to a payment of £125 if your child:

  • attends a maintained primary school
  • attends a maintained secondary school, or
  • is aged between 4 to 15 and attends a special school, special needs resource base, or pupil referral unit.

If your child is starting year 7, you will get £200. 

The grant is also available to any looked after child that attends a Cardiff school.

Find out more about the School Essentials Grant​

Apply for the School Essentials Grant.

Free school meals

Primary and secondary school pupils can get free school meals if their family gets certain benefits.

Find out if you are eligible for free school meals.

Free school transport

Primary and secondary pupils can get free transport to school if you live a certain distance away from school.

Find out if your child is eligible for free school transport.

Education Maintenance Allowance (EMA)

If you are on a low income and your child is aged 16 to 18 and is still in education, they may be eligible for EMA. This payment will be made directly to your child to help towards school costs. 

Find out if your child is eligible for EMA.

Educational Trusts’ Forum

The Educational Trusts’ Forum is a charity that provides grants to families who are experiencing difficulties and may be struggling to cover school costs.


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