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Cardiff Council

Council Pay Policy

​​​​​​​​​​​Cardiff Council understands the importance of having a clear written policy on pay for employees. The Pay Policy Statement provides a framework to ensure that employees are rewarded fairly and objectively without discrimination.
The Council has a statutory requirement under the Localism Act 2011 to prepare a Pay Policy Statement on an annual basis. The first statement was in place by 31st March 2012 and they have been produced annually since.  

The focus of the legislation is about transparency of pay for Chief Officers and how their pay compares with lower paid employees in the Council.  However, in the interests of transparency and accountability the Council’s has Pay Policy Statement covers all employee groups, with the exception of teachers (as the remuneration for this latter group is set by Welsh Government from 1st September 2019 (previously the Secretary of State until 31.8.2018) and therefore not in local authority control). The Pay Policy Statement also excludes Members of the Council as they are not employees and are governed by separate legislation via the Independent Remuneration Panel for Wales.

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