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Cardiff Council

Period Dignity grant

​​​​​​This is a Welsh Government grant for organisations that work to help communities and people in Cardiff. The grant allows an organisation to provide period products to people from low-income households.

If you apply, you will need to show us that the groups and activities you run are easy to access and promote a way to tackle period poverty. ​​

What the money can be used for 

You can use the money to buy and give out: 

  • period products, such as tampons, pads, menstrual cups, reusable period underwear or suitable alternatives, 
  • disposal bags for period products, 
  • storage purses or wet bags for reusable products, and
  • wet wipes (only to be offered if someone is away from home and needs them for hygiene purposes).

You can claim up to £2,000 through this grant. You must spend at least 75% of the funding on eco-friendly period products.

How to apply

Please contact us for more information and to find out how to apply.

If successful, you will need to provide project reporting and spend evidence at the end of each reporting period.

Period product locations

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