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Cardiff Council

Death of a resident

​P​lease tell us about the death of a resident as soon as you can as it may affect your bill.

The amount of council tax that needs to be paid will depend on who is left at the property.

You can use the Tell Us Once service, which will tell all government organisations that the person has died. Before you use Tell Us Once, you must report the death to the registrar. The registrar will then give you a Tell Us Once reference number, which you can use to complete the form.​

Someone who lived alone has died

When a person who lived alone has died, their home will be exempt from council tax if the property stays unoccupied.

The property will stay exempt until probate or letters of administration have been granted. After probate or letters of administration have been granted, the property will be exempt for another 6 months. 

If the property is sold or someone moves in during the exemption, the owner or occupier will be charged the full amount of council tax. 

Someone you lived with has died

If someone you lived with has died, there may be changes to your council tax bill.

If you are the only adult left at the property

You will be eligible for a single person discount of 25% on your council tax bill. 

Find out how you can apply for single person discount​. ​​

If there is more than one adult at the property

If there is more than one adult left at the property, you may be responsible for paying the full amount of council tax.

You should contact us in case we need to update the name of the account holder. 


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